Loving Father, please bless our students in the year ahead. We ask that you make their minds teachable and their hearts open to receive Your word. Bless them with health and safety, not only while in our care, but always. Fill our hearts with the joy of sharing Your love with them and grant us wisdom, patience, and the resources we need to serve You through our teaching. Amen.
With the reorganization of the Mac-Aroy St. Dimitrie Youth Group we thank Claudia Epure, the teacher of the high school group of Sunday School students for her efforts in getting the kids and parents organized for our gathering at Nutmeg Bowl.
We thank Linda Kolton, Church School Super and Mary Olteanu for their support and effort, also, in the outing. Alexandra Dima has also graciously volunteered to be a Counselor for the group along with the teachers.
We're off to a good start. Let's encourage the group with our support. No need to tell how much of a treasure they are to us and our community. God bless you all!!
We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
As Sunday School teachers, we watch many children grow into young adults here in the halls of St. Dimitrie. Together family and church provide a strong foundation for what lies ahead for kids today. When so many other activities distract families from attending church and Sunday School, we’ve been blessed to see children grow and develop hearts for God thanks to the devotion of Father George and Psa. Marian, moms, dads, grandparents, Godparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings.
As we look to the future and the aspirations to revive a youth group here at St. Dimitrie, energy is already building. Last month, St. Dimitrie hosted a youth bowling party. Young and old gathered after church at Nutmeg Bowl in Fairfield for an afternoon of fellowship that reunited some of our recent Sunday School graduates with our current students. Godly relationships and reminders of the tenets of our Orthodox faith serve as guideposts for our youth in a world full of challenges. Many thanks to our St. Dimitrie family who provides opportunities and resources to strengthen all of us!
December is such a busy month and it’s no different for the children in Sunday school. This year, in addition to making crafts for the homebound, decorating the tree in the hall, rehearsing songs and instruments, and performing carols for the congregation, we took a trip to visit our friends at the Jewish Home.
The Ladies Auxiliary donated beautiful poinsettias and the children made “stained glass” window ornaments to brighten rooms and remind our friends that they are not forgotten . Classes, teachers, Ladies Auxiliary president, Diana Nicola, and parents brought smiles and Christmas cheer to residents Lucy Shola, Virginia (Gina) Dumitri, Anne Nastu, and Bea Kolton (currently in rehab).
Verses of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” rang out for all to hear and as we gathered to say our goodbyes, one of the students looked up with a joyful smile and said, “My heart feels so full!”
Our hearts are most full when we are serving God. May we all be mindful of the many chances around us to be the hands and feet of Jesus not just in December, but all year long.
In May, we celebrated a job well done–our Sunday School class of 2023-2024 is moving on up!
With over 30 children registered this school year, our classrooms were often bursting at the seams. As parents and teachers, we understand that many activities compete for the attention of our young people so we’d like to express gratitude to all the families for making Sunday School a priority so often this year.
It’s within these walls that children of the Orthodox faith grow in knowledge and spirit and build bonds of friendship and community that will last a lifetime. As this school year comes to a close, we celebrate four graduating students who grew up in Sunday School, right before our eyes: Matthew and Nicholas Modafferi, David Geer, and Gia Foley. These four are heading to high school in the fall where new adventures await them.
We ask the St. Dimitrie community to join us in our prayers for protection and wisdom and that as living icons of God, these flour students become a positive influence for others and that they reflect God’s love and light in a world that has many challenges for your people. As we say farewell until fall, our heartfelt thanks go to Fr. George, Psa. Marian, the Parish Council, Ladies Auxiliary, and the entire St. Dimitrie Community for their love and support.
I’d like to offer a special thank you to Mary Olteanu and Claudia Epure for their dedication to the Sunday School program, love of the Orthodox faith, and the joy and enthusiasm they bring to class each week.
Best wishes and prayers for a safe and relaxing summer for all!
As of this writing, we are just about to enter into Great Lent, a beautiful gift for each one of us to unwrap and appreciate on our journey to Pascha.
While most children don’t hold a strict fast, they do follow the practice of giving up something that feels important to them–sweets, video games, TV, smart phones…homework (this one never flies!).
In classes leading up to Pascha, we talk about Lent as a beautiful time, a time when we are invited to draw nearer to God. We talk about Lent as a time that we can do things that help us feel closer to God: Being extra kind, giving more, helping those in need, creating space in our days to pray more often, and coming to the additional church services made available to us to help us grow spiritually. We encourage parents and family members to talk about these things with your children throughout the year, not only at Pascha.
We recently had a visitor in our classroom. Former altar boy, Ethan, spent time with our class and the kids were fascinated that he was “all grown up” and had lots of questions for him. If you have family members who grew up coming to St. Dimitrie, ask us about dropping in for a visit to share how, once upon a time, you were in Sunday School and what it was like! Especially as we celebrate our 100th anniversary, sharing our rich family histories couldn’t be more important.
And of course, it wouldn’t be Pascha without the annual egg hunt which is being organized again by Jen Modafferi! We’ll be accepting donations of small wrapped candies and candy-stuffed plastic eggs.
Drop them in the box in the vestibule or leave them with a Sunday School teacher. Thank you!