Welcome to the website for St Dimitrie Orthodox Church in Easton, CT. We are an Orthodox Christian Church under the auspices and ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Romanian Episcopate of America, Orthodox Church of America.
We invite you to review this site and find out what is happening in our community, learn about our 100 year history, our Orthodox Christian faith and join us in worship. Click here or go to the ABOUT tab for additional information.
To know and experience the love of GOD –Father, Son and Holy Spirit; to worship Him in spirit and in truth as taught by the Lord through His Apostles; and to welcome and encourage others to know and love Him!
Thank you for visiting the website of St. Dimitrie Orthodox Christian Church in Easton, Connecticut. This site provides a glimpse into our parish, our Faith and our community. We hope these announcements, updates, photographs and history will be interesting and enjoyable.
Our family invites you to come participate in the life of our parish and worship with us.
Services: Our doors and arms are open to you and we pray you find a home with us.
Sunday Matins begins at 9:15am and Liturgy at 10:00am.
All our services are held in English with Romanian prayers and hymns (which are also repeated in English) - and our choir
Feast Days: Vespers will be held at 6:00pm the night before the Feast Day and Liturgy will be held at 10:00am on the holiday. Please see our Monthly Calendar for additional information.
Note: We still have spaces available for our Lenten Cooking classes. In order to accommodate those who are unable to attend all of the classes in our Lenten cooking series, we are opening up registration for individual classes. The fee is $5 per class which covers the cost of food.
Please email me at fr.alexanderbitis@gmail.com to attend any of the following Tuesdays: March 11, March 18, March 25, and April 1 at 6:00pm. |
Our Menu
Hors d’oeuvres & Pita
Fish with Tomato/Onion Sauce
Vegetables & Rice Pilaf
Wine, Soda, Coffee & Dessert
Adults - $35.00 Children (5-12) $12.00 Children Under 5 - Free
Sign-up Sheets for Reservations are at the Candle Stand & in the Hall
There are no Assigned Seating Tables. ~~ Reservation Deadline is April 6th
Take Out Available!
This past weekend saw historic changes for our St Dimitrie community.
Thank You to Fr. George M. Coca and Psa Mariana for their years of service to our community.
Welcome and Congratulations to Fr. Alexander D. Bitis and Psa Ioana as they begin a new chapter.
Click the photo album on the right for photos of the weekend
During Coffee Hour, Parish President Spiro Fatsy surprised Fr George with a cake
Click here to view his announcement
Click to view video selections from Fr. George's Retirement Dinner
Fr George had a special message for everyone taking Communion.
Many people come with their head down and mouths barely open. He asked that people keep their head up and tilt it back a bit when they approach the chalice and keep their mouth open.
The most important thing he stressed is NOT to drop the sacrament.
We are grateful so many of our friends and parishioners joined us on June 29-30, 2024 we celebrated the 100 Aniversary of our St Dimitrie community.
Click link for "100 Anniversary" or go to "100 Anniversary" tab above for photos and videos of our weekend festivities.
The Lesko and Polke Funeral Home partnership has been disolved. The Frank Polke and Son Funeral Home will continue its services independently at a new location in the Spear-Miller Funeral Home building at 39 Benson Road, Fairfield, CT.
Many families in our community have used the services of Frank Polke Funeral Home and, in turn, the Polke family has supported St. Dimitrie since we began almost a century ago. All of Frank Polkeand Son Funeral Home services and attention to special details and traditions remain the same and all pre-need contracts will continue to be honored.
For any questions, Frank can be reached at (203) 556-5978 or (203) 556-5140.
39 S. Benson Rd, Fairfield, CT 06824
Tel: 1-203-334-5174
Fax: 203-254-8522
Many parishioners have been expressing a desire to have candles lit and prayers said for them. Click the "Prayers and Virtual Candles" tab above (it will appear white when you mouse over it.)
- Request Candles be lit
- Submit Prayer Requests (confidential between you and Fr George)
- Make Donations
For additional information click this link for a pdf outlining step by step instructions.
St. Dimitrie 's new icons are in the Pulse Section of Saturday's (8/31/13) CT Post! See the article "Creative Gifts, Spirituality Shine in Icon Painter's Art"